All credits and omgyouarealifesavers should go to HERE
package net.sf.cookierevolver.encrypt;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
public class SSHA {
private static BASE64Encoder enc = new BASE64Encoder();
private static BASE64Decoder dec = new BASE64Decoder();
private boolean verbose = false;
private MessageDigest sha = null;
private static SSHA inst = new SSHA("SHA");
public static SSHA SHA1 = new SSHA("SHA");
public static SSHA SHA2 = new SSHA("SHA-256");
public static SSHA getInstance(){
return inst;
* @param shaEnc
public void setAlgorithm(String shaEnc) {
inst = new SSHA(shaEnc);
int size=20;
* public constructor
public SSHA(String alg) {
verbose = false;
size = 32;
size = 64;
try {
sha = MessageDigest.getInstance(alg);
} catch ( e) {
System.out.println("Construction failed: " + e);
* Create Digest for each entity values passed in
* @param salt
* String to set the base for the encryption
* @param entity
* string to be encrypted
* @return string representing the salted hash output of the encryption
* operation
public String createDigest(String salt, String entity) {
return createDigest(salt.getBytes(),entity);
* Create Digest for each entity values passed in
* @param salt
* byte array to set the base for the encryption
* @param entity
* string to be encrypted
* @return string representing the salted hash output of the encryption
* operation
public String createDigest(byte[] salt, String entity) {
String label = "{SSHA}";
// Update digest object with byte array of the source clear text
// string and the salt
// Complete hash computation, this results in binary data
byte[] pwhash = sha.digest();
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("pwhash, binary represented as hex: "
+ toHex(pwhash) + " n");
System.out.println("Putting it all together: ");
System.out.println("binary digest of password plus binary salt: "
+ pwhash + salt);
System.out.println("Now we base64 encode what is respresented above this line ...");
return label + new String(enc.encode(concatenate(pwhash, salt)));
* Create Digest for each entity values passed in. A random salt is used.
* @param entity
* string to be encrypted
* @return string representing the salted hash output of the encryption
* operation
public String createDigest(String entity) {
return inst.createDigest(randSalt(),entity);
* Check Digest against entity
* @param digest
* is digest to be checked against
* @param entity
* entity (string) to be checked
* @return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE otherwise
public boolean checkDigest(String digest, String entity) {
return inst.checkDigest0(digest,entity);
* Check Digest against entity
* @param digest
* is digest to be checked against
* @param entity
* entity (string) to be checked
* @return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE otherwise
private boolean checkDigest0(String digest, String entity) {
boolean valid = true;
// ignore the {SSHA} hash ID
digest = digest.substring(6);
// extract the SHA hashed data into hs[0]
// extract salt into hs[1]
byte[][] hs=null;
try {
hs = split(dec.decodeBuffer(digest), size);
} catch (IOException e) {
byte[] hash = hs[0];
byte[] salt = hs[1];
// Update digest object with byte array of clear text string and salt
// Complete hash computation, this is now binary data
byte[] pwhash = sha.digest();
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("Salted Hash extracted (in hex): " + toHex(hash)
+ " " + "nSalt extracted (in hex): " + toHex(salt));
System.out.println("Hash length is: " + hash.length
+ " Salt length is: " + salt.length);
System.out.println("Salted Hash presented in hex: " + toHex(pwhash));
if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(hash, pwhash)) {
valid = false;
if(verbose) System.out.println("Hashes DON'T match: " + entity);
if (MessageDigest.isEqual(hash, pwhash)) {
valid = true;
if(verbose) System.out.println("Hashes match: " + entity);
return valid;
* set the verbose flag
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
this.verbose = verbose;
* Combine two byte arrays
* @param l
* first byte array
* @param r
* second byte array
* @return byte[] combined byte array
private static byte[] concatenate(byte[] l, byte[] r) {
byte[] b = new byte[l.length + r.length];
System.arraycopy(l, 0, b, 0, l.length);
System.arraycopy(r, 0, b, l.length, r.length);
return b;
* split a byte array in two
* @param src
* byte array to be split
* @param n
* element at which to split the byte array
* @return byte[][] two byte arrays that have been split
private static byte[][] split(byte[] src, int n) {
byte[] l, r;
if (src == null || src.length <= n) {
l = src;
r = new byte[0];
} else {
l = new byte[n];
r = new byte[src.length - n];
System.arraycopy(src, 0, l, 0, n);
System.arraycopy(src, n, r, 0, r.length);
byte[][] lr = { l, r };
return lr;
private static String hexits = "0123456789abcdef";
* Convert a byte array to a hex encoded string
* @param block
* byte array to convert to hexString
* @return String representation of byte array
private static String toHex(byte[] block) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < block.length; ++i) {
buf.append(hexits.charAt((block[i] >>> 4) & 0xf));
buf.append(hexits.charAt(block[i] & 0xf));
return buf + "";
public byte[] randSalt(){
int saltLen = 8;
byte[] b = new byte[saltLen];
for(int i = 0;i
return b;