03 Aralık 2009

Getting Quick backup of AD users

ldifde -f exportUsers.ldf -s localhost -d "dc=oracle,dc=com" -p subtree -r "(objectCategory=Person)" -m

weblogic corrupts some folders after disk gets full

weblogic can get dirty and corrupt some of its folders after a disk full error of OS. One thing is Adminserver stalls and does not restart. If this is the case, one possible solution is to delete the "ldap" folder under user_projects/domains/yourdomain/servers/AdminServer/data/

It can also corrupt upload folders of Adminserver. If you see errors like
Unable to access the selected application
Exception in AppMerge flows' progression

in deployment console while installing ears from upload folders, this can be solved by deleting respective upload folder, recreating it and copying ear files back. then install.

02 Aralık 2009

Killing connected user sessions from an Oracle DB

Killing connected user sessions from an Oracle DB
select sid,serial# from v$session;

Use following in a RAC environment:
select sid,serial# from gv$session;
Output is something like this:
----- -----
xxx yyy

then for each row run:
alter system kill session 'xxx,yyy' immediate;